
Employees at the forefront! And in front of the camera

Outstanding. The new brand positioning is complete – time to let the whole world know! As part of a wide-ranging print campaign, the new core message “A burning passion for building” was presented to relevant target audiences like architects, building material dealers, developers and installers in the form of full-page ads on the covers and inside trade publications. The majority of investment surrounded key specialist exhibitions like “Bau,” “GalaBau,” and “Dach und Holz.”

The campaign slogan was also added to the Wienerberger Deutschland homepage, and served as a template for many other analog media like brochure titles, exhibition signs, displays, newsletters, digital banners, posts, and much more.

  • Project
  • Project lead | Creative direction Image Campaign

Abgestimmt auf die Kernbereiche von Wienerberger vereint die Kampagne übergeordnete Markeneigenschaften mit den Produktvorteilen der jeweiligen Produktmarke.

Zu den wichtigsten Fachmessen wie „BAU“, „GalaBau„ und der „Dach und Holz“ wurden die Schaltungen nochmals intensiviert. Zum Kick-Off der Neupositioinierung zierten die Kampagnenmotive die Startseite der Wienerberger Deutschland Website und dienen als Key Visual für viele weitere digitale und analoge Medien, unter anderem Broschürentitel, Messeschilder, Displays, Newsletter, digitale Banner, Postings, und vieles mehr.


Print-Motiv Marke Penter Pflasterklinker

Print-Motiv Marke Koramic Dachlösungen

Print-Motiv Marke Argeton Fassadenlösungen

Print-Motiv Wienerberger Projektmanagement

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Project lead | Creative direction Image Campaign

Employees at the forefront! And in front of the camera

Project lead | Creative Direction Image film

Igniting a spark – with moving image!

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Lead generation exhibition contacts + Social media activation

Doing good together.